Wall chart Wednesday Part #3

World cup 2014 wall chart elliott quince header

With it so so nearly here, the final part of our Wall Chart Wednesdays comes in the shape of this beautifully illustrated number from Elliott Quince (AKA Quinky Art)

World cup 2014 wall chart elliott quince lr

Celebrating memorable moments from World Cups gone by along with the colourful characters the game has brought with it, this is an A2 sized print on 90gsm white bond poster paper.

world cup wallchart 2014 gazza

cheating diego maradona world cup

Most importantly, they would only set you back a mere £10 and ALL money raised from the posters is being donated to the Luton and Dunstable Hospital Neonatal and Intenstive Care Unit. A very worthy cause!

So if you’re yet to get a Wall Chart then why not pick this one up and you’ll be helping a fantastic cause while you’re there.

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